Where to Study for the Gmat Orange County Ca

MBA Admissions Consulting

Submit Applications that Tell Your Story with Strategy + Structure

Get Expert Interview Coaching

HSW MBA Admissions Consulting


I'm a Harvard grad with 10+ years of experience in GMAT/EA/GRE test prep and MBA admissions consulting. In addition, I founded a company that managed strategic marketing, branding and communications projects for C-level executives at dozens of major companies. Results include helping clients close more than $20 billion in transactions and achieve many other breakthroughs. In one project, I led a team that created McKinsey & Company's first rich-media training programs for its MBA hires worldwide. I now apply these strategic communications skills in advising my clients. See below for several client testimonials.

Client Successes

Recent MBA admissions consulting clients have been admitted to Stanford GSB, Harvard, Wharton, Chicago Booth, Columbia, Northwestern Kellogg, INSEAD, London Business School, IESE, Duke Fuqua, NYU Stern, UVA Darden, Yale SOM, UCLA Anderson, UC Berkeley Haas, UT McCombs, Cornell Johnson, Carnegie Mellon Tepper, UNC Kenan-Flagler, Imperial, Oxford Said, Indiana Kelley, Georgetown McDonough, Washington Foster, Arizona State Carey, USC Marshall, Maryland Smith, UC Davis, George Washington University, Purdue Krannert, Boston College Carroll, Boston University Questrom, Rutgers, Babson, Bentley McCallum, San Jose State Lucas, Pepperdine Graziadio, Nanyang, and Thunderbird.

Personalized Service

I can help you with your business school application strategy, essays, resume/CV, short-form answers, recommendations and interview prep. If you haven't started writing your essays, we can brainstorm ideas for first drafts together.


An initial document review and consultation is US$375. It includes a review of your resume/CV and a 1-hour online meeting, in which we will discuss strategy and feedback on your resume/CV. If you would like feedback on any essays in our initial meeting, add US$125 for each essay. Additional MBA admissions consulting is US$250 per hour, with payments due in advance based on quotes. Alternatively, we can work together on a retainer basis, with payments of US$2,500 (10 hours) at a time. In general, the retainer approach allows for faster turn-around times.

Admissions Consulting Testimonials

HBS Admissions Consulting

Malory M., Santa Barbara, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Scored 730 and Accepted at Harvard Business School!

"I started working with Stuart Park of Simply Brilliant for GMAT prep - he helped me raise my score from 640 to 730 in 2 months! We continued to work together for resume, essays, and interview prep. For essay editing and interview prep, Stuart didn't try to press my application into a mold, but let me take the lead and made sure my authentic voice and brand was coming through the way I intended. The process was very personal and al-a-carte per my needs for each school. My career has been as an engineer in the US, and Stuart researched and prepared specific questions and unique points that the adcom would be interested in asking about. The result of the process was receiving interviews at all 5 schools I applied to, and an acceptance at 4 out of 5. I achieved my dream and will be attending Harvard Business School in the fall! Contact Stuart if you are applying for an MBA!"

HBS Admissions Consulting

Michael W., Los Angeles, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Harvard Business School!

"Got in to HBS! Thanks for all your help, Stuart! It's been a long time in the making, and I don't think I could have done it without your help on the GMAT and on my application. You were great to work with."

Harvard Business School MBA Admissions

Joe H., Washington, DC
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Scored 760 and Accepted at Harvard Business School!
"I strongly recommend Stuart at www.simplybrilliantprep.com... Stuart is very responsive and helpful, and worth a call or email to see if it's right for you."

Stanford GSB MBA Admissions

Jason L., Palo Alto, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Scored 710 and Accepted at Stanford GSB!
"Stuart is knowledgeable, patient, and well-equipped to help improve the [GMAT] score of any applicant. I enjoyed working with him."

Wharton Executive MBA Admissions Consulting

Sophie B., San Francisco, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Scored 700+ and Admitted to Wharton's EMBA Program!

"I worked with Stuart after taking another GMAT program and having my score fall far short of where I wanted it to be. Stuart gave me a brilliant plan with how to prepare how to focus and helped me think GMAT. With his help I was able to improve my score by almost 100 points!! He was really great to work with through the whole process and I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting help with GMAT or any part of the MBA application process."

Northwestern Kellogg MBA Admissions

Grace M., San Francisco, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Scored 730 and Accepted at Kellogg, Duke Fuqua & UT McCombs!
"I just got a very exciting call from Kellogg! Not only was I admitted, but they offered me a $70,000 merit scholarship! Wow!! I'm going to Kellogg!!!"

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Lily H., Washington, DC
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Chicago Booth!

"Just after 2 months, I took the exam in January and achieved my personal highest score, an increase of 100 points. After the exam, I also worked with Stuart to prepare for essays, resume, and interview. We worked through brainstorming sessions that really helped me think through the different ideas and build a clear and cohesive story. With every edit, Stuart really made everything shine and crystal clear. I highly recommend working with Stuart."

Columbia Business School EMBA Admissions

LBS MBA Admissions

Mark M., New York, New York
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Scored 700 and Accepted at Columbia-London Business School! (Dual EMBA)
"Thanks so much for everything, Stuart. Your help was so essential in getting into my first choice!!!!"

UCLA Anderson School of Management MBA Admissions Consulting

Nick F., Emeryville, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Scored 730 and Accepted at UCLA Anderson!

"I had the pleasure of working with Stuart Park on both GMAT prep and MBA applications. While he was incredibly helpful on both fronts from a technical standpoint, what truly shined was his upbeat and encouraging attitude and demeanor during a tedious and stressful process. If you feel like you're missing something on one or both of these fronts, he is the consultant that will help you find and fill any and all gaps you might have."

GMAT Prep - I had previously gone through the full Manhattan Prep Interact course. This was a nice introduction to the GMAT as a whole and a good launching point. However, their specific test-taking strategies didn't really resonate with me and I found myself plateauing in the mid-600s after three months of studying. Stuart took the time in our first session to really understand how had I approached the numerous practice tests and the live exam that I had already taken. I truly felt that he tailored the subsequent sessions to the key components that I needed to focus on to take my score to the next level. His previous experience working for Veritas as well as his research into the various test prep programs provided a truly aggregated and "best of all worlds" perspective that helped me to improve my score to a 730 (Q48/V42). More importantly, I found myself looking forward to working with him to glean new insights with direct correlation to success on a mentally-challenging exam. Beyond his technical expertise, he is truly a fantastic teacher.

MBA Application - Stuart also helped to guide me through the MBA application process. Initially we met just to go over my goals, target schools, and approach to the application. While Stuart did not necessarily have familiarity with my desired profession (albeit it is not one of the more common paths in B-school), this actually worked to my advantage. He brought the perspective of someone from Adcomm who might not also understand my background. He asked leading questions to help me see my profile from the eyes of someone who doesn't know the context and jargon of my industry. Stuart not only helped me to shape my essays, but also offered numerous suggestions and gave lots of feedback on paring my statements down below the maximum word limit. While my friends and family would often provide general feedback or even specific thoughts on what they felt my essays were missing, Stuart took the next step to actually help me re-write the essays to bring the ideas to life.

I also worked with Stuart on interview prep. It was great to talk to someone who lives and breathes this process to not only challenge me to think critically about my responses, but also to offer encouragement and support of my ideas and achievements. I truly believe that short of talking with the various schools' Adcomms directly, Stuart is one of the best MBA application resources out there."

University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business MBA Admissions

Nicole E., San Francisco, California
GMAT Client – Scored 710 and Accepted at UC Berkeley Haas!
"I worked with Stuart to polish my resume and prep for the GMAT. In my resume, he helped position my story strategically and highlight the progression in my career. I didn't have much time as I would have liked to prep before the GMAT, but Stuart was able to craft an effective study plan for me, focusing on the areas where I was weakest. His review sessions were very helpful and easy to follow, and he is a very patient tutor. The tips he offered on how to take the test helped me to achieve the score I wanted and get into UC Berkeley Haas. I highly recommend him!"

INSEAD MBA Admissions

Vince P., Sunnyvale, California
Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at INSEAD and Carnegie Mellon Tepper!
"Reading through my application and looking back at my experiences, I was confused about what to put on my additional essay. Obviously I missed some important factors, otherwise I wouldn't have been placed on the wait-list. Running out of ideas, I asked Stuart from Simply Brilliant for some advice. He was very helpful and thorough in trying to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in my application, and suggested what part of my goals I should re-address and what part of my experience I should emphasize to add more value to my profile... I also asked my former mentor in my company to write an additional Letter of Rec... I think the additional essay and LOR made the difference..."

University of Washington Foster School of Business MBA Admissions

M.S., Seattle, Washington
MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Washington Foster and Rutgers!
"Need help with MBA Application? Here's your guy! Stuart exactly knows what you need. His precision and hard work is definitely an asset to anybody looking for some immediate assistance. Extremely patient and completes work bang on time! You can totally rely on his work and not worry about the worth for your bucks. Wish I had even tutored with him for my GMAT. Nevertheless, a great resource for MBA admissions and a wonderful person who always has an ear for you. You are "Simply Brilliant" Stuart! Keep rocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions

Charles T., Denver, Colorado
GMAT & Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at UNC Kenan-Flagler!
"Stuart Park of Simply Brilliant truly helped me through the entire b-school application process and is definitely someone I'd recommend working with.

Overall: Stuart Park and Simply Brilliant helped me get through the entire application process. From GMAT prep, to essay reviews, to interview prep, to connecting me with other students - Stuart was a great partner to help me through an incredibly challenging process. Stuart helped set my mind at ease at a very stressful time for me. Stuart's essay/application assistance in particular was tremendously useful considering how labor intensive this area was for me. I highly recommend Simply Brilliant and Stuart Park for application assistance of any kind, as well as GMAT assistance and interview practice.

My Background: I live in Denver, CO and came from a non-quantitative background with 5.5+ years of professional experience. I was focused on getting into a Top 20 program. I took a Manhattan GMAT course and was initially scoring in the high 500's. However I needed some more help improving my speed and math score. Additionally, I knew I could use an extra set of eyes on my applications and wanted to find someone with experience with business school applications.

My Prior Frustrations before working with Stuart Park: Before I found Simply Brilliant, I had worked with another professional tutor in math, however was unimpressed with that person's pushiness and general lack of caring. This other tutor never seemed to move at my own pace. He was always eager to setup additional sessions but always seemed to care more about the business (and the money) than the client. Additionally, this previous tutor didn't make an effort to acknowledge or appreciate the previous study tips I had received through Manhattan GMAT, instead insisting that his tactics were far superior. This way of belittling what I had already learned did not help with my progression or general morale.

GMAT Experience with Stuart Park: I began working with Stuart Park about 8 months before I took my final GMAT exam. We first focused on question types of the GMAT that I was struggling with. Stuart did a great job of diving deep into specific question types. I liked how he had a lot of the material and books that I already possessed, which made it easy for him to focus on a particular question I was struggling with. He also offered some really helpful suggestions about study technique and test taking strategy (timing, preparation, day of test mindset, etc.) that helped me mentally prepare for such a big test. In the end, I ended up getting a 670 on the GMAT. Because of how great Stuart was to work with on the GMAT, it was an easy choice to continue working with him for essay feedback and application advice.

Essay/Application Experience with Stuart Park: Stuart was especially helpful with reviewing my essays and giving me feedback on them. His flexible schedule and quick turnaround times with feedback were tremendous. I found myself applying to several schools each with a tight deadline. Additionally, I had a full-time job working 45+ hours/week. Stuart recognized this and cleared his plate to work with me at the times I was available. Stuart also took time up-front to understand what I wanted feedback on. I was very particular about the areas I wanted feedback. I wanted to make sure my voice was being represented in my essays. Stuart honored this and did not waste time in areas I was confident in. He also took time to explain his suggestions, which helped me understand where he was coming from.

Other Areas of Assistance: Stuart really went above and beyond to help me get into the schools I was interested in. We had several training sessions on interview preparation. Additionally, Stuart connected me with several students at a variety of schools I was applying to. This came in really handy when trying to research the programs and get to know current students.

Result: I was accepted to Kenan-Flagler Business School (UNC Chapel Hill) and Carroll School of Management (Boston College). BC offered me a $15k/year scholarship. In the end, I decided to attend Kenan-Flagler because the academic offerings aligned more with my interests and because it was a higher ranked program.

Things I really liked about Stuart Park: - Essay writing suggestions - Ability to adapt to my learning style - Ability to give feedback based on what I was looking for - Flexible schedule - Competitive rates - Ability to answer one-off questions - Eagerness to learn my story and background - Didn't nickel and dime me - Genuinely cared about my success!

If you're looking for someone to assist with any part of the business school application process, I highly recommend Simply Brilliant and Stuart Park."

Cornell Johnson MBA Admissions

Jenna V., Washington, DC
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted with a Scholarship at Cornell Johnson and Accepted at Georgetown McDonough!
"...Stuart also offers sessions to help you with your business school applications and constantly lends his business-school-savvy and perspective to you throughout tutoring. It is because of Stuart that I have been able to maintain a competitive edge in my business school application process. I was able to apply to top schools with my improved GMAT scores. I recently was accepted to Georgetown's McDonough School of Business and Cornell's Johnson School. I can not emphasize how essential it is to have a good tutor to guide you through that challenging test; I whole-heartedly recommend Stuart's Simply Brilliant Test Prep as the program that truly delivers."

Georgetown University McDonough School of Business MBA Admissions

Aaron W., Washington, DC
MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Georgetown McDonough!
"I worked with Stuart at Simply Brilliant on many areas of my business school applications. The first thing that stood out to me about Stuart was how he took the time to understand me personally, recognize my motivations for applying to business school, and identify how business school could help me achieve my professional aspirations. Although I did not fully understand the significance of it then, I now realize that this extra effort to familiarize himself with my story made all the difference in helping me craft essays that showcased the best of me. I applied to six highly competitive schools and was admitted to five of them. Without Stuart's help, I do not believe I would have had so many great options to choose from. My GMAT score was competitive, but below average for a top-25 school, which I am happy to report I will be attending next year (Georgetown McDonough). Stuart was always quick to respond, considerate of my time, and always offered the option of a phone call to further explain where and why particular edits would enhance my essays. Furthermore, when I needed help prepping for my first interview, Stuart provided me with a long list of questions, which we practiced answering on a mock interview phone call. Finally, Stuart was a great resource when I was making my decision of which school to attend (was debating between Georgetown McDonough and U of Washington Foster). I was referred to Stuart by a close friend of mine, and I will be sure to pass the favor along by referring Stuart to my next friend who is interested in applying to b-school. The MBA application process can be rigorous and daunting, and I truly believe that Stuart/ Simply Brilliant gives candidates a leg up on the competition and a better opportunity to attend the school of their choice."

ASU Carey MBA Admissions

Sarah A., Los Angeles, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Arizona State Carey with a Substantial Scholarship!
"...He helped me SO much, and I can't imagine my success without his expertise during the past couple months! I would highly recommend him. Stuart also helped me prepare for my MBA admissions interviews. His advice was right on in terms of what to expect in my real interviews. I've already gotten one acceptance letter, and I'm just waiting for the rest to come!"

USC Marshall MBA Admissions

Sam L., Oakland, California
GMAT & Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at USC Marshall with a Full Tuition Scholarship!
"After working with Stuart for about 3-4 months, I improved my score to 750! Prior to working with Stuart, I had a score of 680, using the Manhattan GMAT self study program. I felt like I hit a road block studying on my own. Stuart seemed like a good choice given his tenured experience tutoring under other name brand test prep firms. Stuart was extremely helpful by clearly explaining the nuances of harder GMAT questions and concepts. He also offered numerous test taking tips, which helped me manage the pacing of my exam.

Additionally, I used Stuart's consulting services for my USC Marshall application. I wanted another pair of eyes to review my essay and resume. He offered several very thoughtful suggestions and comments, which improved my application and helped me get an interview with the school.

I am happy to say that I was accepted USC Marshall Full Time MBA program with a full tuition scholarship! I could not have done it without Stuart's help."

Bentley University McCallum Graduate School of Business Admissions

Christina W., Irvine, California
GMAT & Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Bentley McCallum!
"Stuart is an amazing tutor / teacher and admissions consultant. He is extremely knowledgeable, professional, and reliable. Stuart is very organized and was always prepared for our sessions... Stuart is compassionate and understands that each individual has different challenges. Even though he is incredibly intelligent and well educated, I always felt comfortable asking him to explain basic concepts. Stuart's never-ending patience and encouragement puts his clients at ease and provides an optimal learning environment. I never would have been able to realize my educational goals without him. If you are serious about getting a high score on the GMAT and being admitted to a top business school, then I highly recommend that you work with Stuart and utilize all the services he has to offer! Thank you Stuart! I attribute all my success to you!"

BC Carroll MBA Admissions

Adam N., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Admissions Consulting Client – Accepted at Boston College Carroll, Boston University Questrom and Babson!
"I worked with Stuart on my b-school applications and essays. I applied to four highly competitive schools for which my GMAT score was fairly below the average admitted student's score. Even though I thought the rest of my application was strong I was very nervous about my chances. After working with Stuart I was accepted to three of the four programs! My sessions started with an initial consultation, prior to which Stuart reviewed any material I had already written and during which he provided initial thoughts and feedback. More importantly, he provided me with a personalized application strategy and schedule. One of the best parts of working with Stuart is that at no point did the experience feel cookie cutter. I cannot stress enough how great it was to work with someone who made an effort to understand me, made me unique and a great candidate. I knew my ideas and story were compelling, but Stuart was able to coach me and help bring my essays to a level of quality that I would have otherwise never been able to obtain. His editorial and written communication skills were top notch. Lastly, even though I know I could not have been Stuart's only client, I would have never known it. He was incredibly responsive to all my e-mails and offered advice on any and all subjects that I could throw at him. I highly recommend Stuart, and believe anyone lucky enough to work with him will have an advantage over all other applicants."

Nanyang Business School MBA Admissions

Dominic S., Orange County, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Nanyang and Thunderbird!
"I have worked with Stuart on GMAT and MBA application for several months, and his help was invaluable. Stuart's instruction and insights were top-notch. His ability to explain complex problems in an easy and understandable manner was remarkable. Not only did I find Stuart to be a fantastic instructor and advisor, but also I much appreciated his pleasant and honest personality. Besides the GMAT, Stuart helped me tremendously with my application essays and gave me great overall input and advice. I truly feel that my essays gave me the winning edge in getting accepted at a top school. During our entire working process together, Stuart was extremely organized, patient, and thoughtful. I enjoyed every session with Stuart. I would recommend Stuart to all my friends and to people who want the best."

Pepperdine Graziadio MBA Admissions

Ryan B., Santa Monica, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Pepperdine Graziadio with a $75,000 Scholarship!
"Working with Simply Brilliant to prepare for not only the GMAT test itself, but also the lengthy application process was one of the best investments I have made. Stuart is very personable and more importantly extremely knowledgeable about every facet of the test. His insight into the principles covered on the exam and different test-taking strategies dramatically improved my score. I would estimate he lifted my score between 120-150 points. I also worked with the GMAT guru in San Francisco a few years back, and Simply Brilliant is MUCH better. Simply Brilliant's application consulting was also very beneficial. It helped me get a better understanding of what exactly schools were looking for on admissions essays and how to craft my story."

Pepperdine MBA Admissions

Kristin T., Los Angeles, California
GMAT & MBA Admissions Consulting Client
Accepted at Pepperdine Graziadio!
"Stuart was an INCREDIBLE help for me when I was applying to B. School. I bought the Veritas prep book set and went throughout those on my own and then did sessions with Stuart a couple times of week to go over those concepts again and go over topics that I was having more trouble with. Stuart definitely added much more than the book provided which was what was the most helpful- the Veritas books provide a good basic lesson but going over it in depth more with Stuart definitely was extremely helpful and definitely translated into a higher score. I also had Stuart help me with my essays for my applications which made a truly incredible difference. He was very prompt in sending back revisions and had great feedback regarding key elements that B. Schools want to see in the essays. I was also under a major time crush getting my essays done and he was very sensitive and prompt with helping me get it in on time. I have had many tutors in my academic career for SAT, AP, etc. and Stuart has been by far the most helpful and most straightforward in terms of going over things that are going to translate into better results. Also, if you are looking for some advice on applications/essays, I would HIGHLY recommend hiring him to help. I really don't think I would have gotten into Pepperdine without his help."

Where to Study for the Gmat Orange County Ca

Source: https://www.simplybrilliantprep.com/mba-admissions

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